Farm-Raised Natural Wagyu Beef by Jim Yates
Satisfy your craving when you sink your teeth into a slab of juicy natural Wagyu beef from Jim Yates’ River Jordan Farm, LLC in Huntly, Virginia. Wagyu fat is rich in Omega-3’s, similar to that found in salmon meat. It is the preferred meat of restaurateurs due to its marbling and rich flavor.
Wagyu Beef
Jim usually crossbreeds Wagyu with Angus cattle to produce Kobe-style beef. Kobe meat is a type of beef well-known for its unique flavor and tenderness.
Cattle Breeding
At present, Jim has a herd of 75 brood cows and a registered bull for breeding purposes. To produce high-quality beef, all cattle are raised naturally without the use of steroids or hormones, and are fed with chemically free pasture.